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托福 TOEFL 一定常常聽到吧

沒錯!我今天就是要來介紹托福 TOEFL 考試以及托福 TOEFL的小分享



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 托福分科單字 教育學(Pedagogy)單字(2)

adviser  (N.)   顧問 ( someone whose job is to give advice about asubject )
assignment  (N.) (尤指學業或工作方面的)功課 ;工作;分配(任務);指派(人員)
bibliography (N.)  文獻目錄、參考書目 
broad (Adj.) 寬廣的;..寬的;廣泛的
chemist  (N.)  化學家
counselor  (N.)  就業顧問;工作諮詢顧問 ( someone whose job is to help people choose a jobor career )

critical (Adj.) 批評的;批判的;關鍵性的;評論的

deadline (N.) 截止日期 

dissertation  (N.) 專題 論文 ( long piece of writing on a particular subject,especially one that is done in order to receive adegree at college or university )


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 托福分科單字 心理學(Psychology)單字(2)

computer analogy 電腦模擬

analogy  (N.)  類似;類比;比擬;類推

computer simulation 電腦類比


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 托福分科單字 心理學(Psychology)單字(1)

psychology (N.) 心理學        

mental (Adj.) 內心的,精神的,思想的,心理的;智慧的,智[腦]力的;〈口〉精神病的,意志薄弱的,愚笨的

       (N.) 精神病患者


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 托福聽力考古題 history lecture - prehistoric prople of the Nevada desert


Today's lecture will center on prehistoric people of the Nevada desert. Now, most of these prehistoric desert people moved across the countryside throughout the year. You might think that they were wandering aimlessly --- far from it! They actually followed a series of carefully planned moves. Where they moved depended on where food was available --- places where plants were ripening or fish were spawning.  


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 托福分科單字 政治學(Political Science)單字

Amendment  (N.) 修正案;修正條款;修訂

American Revolution 美國革命/獨立戰爭

anarchism  (N.) 無政府主義


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 托福聽力考古題 biology lecture   

Woman :

To us, the environment in which fish dwell often seems cold, dark, and mysterious. But there are advantages to living in water, and they have played an important role in making fish what they are. One is that water isn't subject to sudden temperature changes. Therefore it makes an excellent habitat for a cold-blooded animal. Another advantage is the water's ability to easily support body weight. Protoplasm has approximately the same density as water, so a fish in water is almost weightless. This "weightlessness" in turn means two things: One, a fish can get along with a light weight and simple bone structure, and two, limitations to a fish's size are practically removed.  


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 托福分科單字 文學(Literature)單字

Aestheticism (N.) 唯美主義

Allegory (N.) 寓言

autobiography (N.) 自傳( 體寫作 ) 


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 托福聽力考古題 discuss next week's schedule 

Woman :

In the few minutes that remain of today's class, I'd like to discuss next week's schedule with you. Because I'm presenting a paper at a conference in Detroit on Thursday, I won't be here for either Wednesday's or Friday's class. I will, however, be here for Monday's. Next Friday, a week from today, is the midterm exam, marking the halfway point in the semester. Professor Andrews has agreed to administer the exam. In place of the usual Wednesday class, I've arranged an optional review session. Since it is optional, attendance will not be taken; however, attending the class would be a good idea for those worried about the midterm. So, remember: optional class next Wednesday; midterm, Friday.


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