托福分科單字 教育學(Pedagogy)單字(2) adviser (N.) 顧問 ( someone whose job is to give advice about asubject ) assignment (N.) (尤指學業或工作方面的)功課 ;工作;分配(任務);指派(人員) bibliography (N.) 文獻目錄、參考書目 broad (Adj.) 寬廣的;..寬的;廣泛的 chemist (N.) 化學家 counselor (N.) 就業顧問;工作諮詢顧問 ( someone whose job is to help people choose a jobor career )
critical (Adj.) 批評的;批判的;關鍵性的;評論的
deadline (N.) 截止日期
dissertation (N.) 專題 論文 ( a long piece of writing on a particular subject,especially one that is done in order to receive adegree at college or university )