competitor (N.): a person, team, or company that iscompeting against others |
rival(N./ V.): a person, group, etc. competing withothers for the same thing or in the samearea ; to be as good, clever, beautiful, etc. as someone or something else |
opponent(N.): a person who disagrees with something and speaks against it or tries tochange it; a person who someone is competingagainst in a sports event |
blame(N./ V.): to say or think that someone or something did something wrong or isresponsible for something bad happening |
blame(N./ V.): to say or think that someone or something did something wrong or isresponsible for something bad happening |
condemn (V.): to criticize something or someonestrongly, usually for moral reasons |
opinion (N.): a thought or belief about something or someone ;a judgment about someone or |
perspective (N.): a particular way of consideringsomething |
standpoint (N.): a set of beliefs and ideas from whichopinions and decisions are formed |
fame (N.): the state of being known or recognizedby many people because of your |
prestige (N. /Adj.): respect and admiration given to someone or something, usually because of a reputation for high quality, success, orsocial influence |
reputation (N.): the opinion that people in general have about someone or something, or how much respect or admiration someone or something receives, based on pastbehaviour or character |
build (V.): to make something by puttingbricks or other materials together |
erect (V./Adj.): to build a building, wall, or other structure; standing with your back and neck verystraight |
establish (V.): to start a company ororganization that will continue for a longtime ; to discover or get proof of something ; to cause something or someone to be accepted in or familiar with a place,position, etc. |
insult (N./ V.): an offensive remark or action |
humiliate (V.): to make someone feel ashamed or loserespect for himself or herself |
complain (V.): to say that something is wrong or notsatisfactory ; to tell someone formally that something is wrong |
grumble (N./ V.): to complain about someone or something in an annoyed way |
primary (N./ Adj.): more important than anything else; main; happening first |
radical (N./ Adj.): believing or expressingthe belief that there should begreat or extreme social orpolitical change relating to the mostimportant parts of something or someone; complete orextreme |
fundamental ( Adj.): forming the base, from which everything elsedevelops ; more important than anything else |
relieve (V.): to make an unpleasantfeeling, such as pain or worry, less strong ;to provide relief for a badsituation or for people in need |
alleviate (V.): to make something bad such as pain or problems lesssevere |
force (N./ V.): 力氣;(尤指)暴力;武力 ; 影響;活力; 強迫 ;催熟 |
coerce sb. into (doing) 強迫某人(做) |
compel (V.): to force someone to do something ; to produce a strongfeeling or reaction |