托福綜合型寫作Task (3-2)
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There’s no doubt that giving to charities has declined in recent years, but there are good reasons to think it’ll soon begin to go up.
Consider, for example, the fact that the number of elderly and retired people in our society keeps growing. Right now, elderly citizens who can’t afford health care often rely on government programs to pay for it. But as the elderly population grows, government programs probably won’t be able to cover the health assistance, Americans respond to that need. And since the need will be increasing, we should expect to see charitable giving rise accordingly.
There’s another reason to be optimistic about the future of charitable giving. The disclosures of waste and bad management at major charities, and people’s anger at this waste, are producing significant reforms. Overpaid managers have been forced to resign by the bad publicity. Charities are reducing their expenses and are now subject to closer public scrutiny. As a result, people are regaining confidence that the money they donate will support the causes they care about. People’s reaction to charity fraud is also evolving.. In the short run, people don’t want to donate because they’re concerned with whether charities are honest. But in the long run, such skepticism makes people careful, not stingy. For example, many people now refuse to give money when they’re asked to do so over the telephone. They insist on receiving proof and documentation before they donate.
Just as people learn how to be careful consumers, most people are acquiring the skills needed to guard against charity fraud without stopping their support for worthwhile causes