托福閱讀真題 Desert formation 解答(7)


The sentence provided, “This economic reliance on live stock in certain regions makes large tracts of land susceptible to overgrazing,” is best inserted at Square 2. The inserted sentence refers explicitly to relying on “livestock in certain regions.” Those regions are the ones described in the sentence preceding square2, which states that raising livestock is “a major economic activity in semiarid lands.” The inserted sentence then explains that this reliance “makes large tracts of land susceptible to overgrazing.” The sentence that follows square 2 goes on to say that “The consequences of an excessive number of livestock grazing in an area are… ” Thus, the inserted sentence contains references to both the sentence before square 2 and the sentence after square 2. This is not true of any of the other possible insert points, so square 2 is correct.


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 托福閱讀真題 Desert formation 解答(6)


(10) 1


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 托福分科單字 動物學(Zoology)單字

amphibian (N.) 兩棲動物

ape (N.)  ;無尾猿;類人猿

aquatic (Adj.) 水棲的;水生的;水上的;水中(進行)的


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 托福分科單字 微生物學(Microbiology)單字

Amino acid 氨基酸

agency (N.)  代理機構 政府專門機構 由於(某人)的作用

Antibody (N.) 抗體


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 托福閱讀真題 Desert formation 解答(5)

(11) 3

This is an Inference question asking for an inference that can be supported by the passage. The correct answer is choice 3; the passage suggests that the author believes “Desertification will continue to increase.” The last paragraph of the passage says that slowing or reversing the erosion process will be very difficult, but that it may occur in those areas that are not too affected already if rigorously enforced anti-erosion processes are implemented. Taken together, this suggest that the author is not confident this until happen; therefore, it can be inferred that he thinks erosion will continue. The passage provides no basis for inferring choices 1,2,or 4.  


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 托福閱讀真題 Desert formation 解答(4)


(8) 4


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 托福閱讀真題 Desert formation 解答(3)


(6) 3


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 托福閱讀真題 Desert formation 解答(2)


(4) 1


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 托福閱讀真題 Desert formation 解答(1)


(1) 2


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 托福閱讀真題 Desert formation Task(3)

11 It can be inferred from the passage that the author most likely believes which of the following about the future of desertification?

○ Governments will act quickly to control further desertification.


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